Troubleshooting Checklist – Start Here first!

For monitors that are not working properly, it’s important to first go through the troubleshooting steps below. If you are still having issues after performing these steps, please reach out to


  1. Check the battery life. If it gives readings below 5v it may need to be replaced.
  2. Make sure there is no water or ice inside of the component.
  3. Make sure the device, cable, and clip is not damaged or defective.
  4. Make sure the gauge itself isn’t stuck or defective.
  5. Make sure there are no trees or objects above the device that may interfere with the satellite communication.
  6. Re-calibrate and recommission the unit.


  1. Make sure there is no water or ice inside of the component. Moisture can cause a large variety of issues.
  2. Make sure the device is properly installed and isn’t damaged.
  3. Make sure there are no trees or objects above the device that may interfere with the satellite communication.
  4. Make sure there is no water or sediment that has built up in the bottom of the tank. This could cause measurements to be stuck at a low percent. To test, try moving the ultrasonic monitor to another location underneath the tank and taking another reading
  5. Make sure the bottom of the tank isn’t dirty or has paint chips. This can interefere with the device ‘PING’ being able to get through the bottom of the tank.
  6. Re-calibrate and recommission the unit.

Still no luck? Visit our support pages or send an email to  for more help.

Xact Tank Monitors