The Xact Tank Monitor Utility app is an exciting tool for our customers to assist in configuring Xact Tank Monitors. Users can utilize the new and improved mobile app in the field, with quicker connection times to devices and intuitive navigation for installation, modifications, battery changes, troubleshooting, setting verification, and more.Continue Reading
If you have installed your unit for the first time and are not seeing it on the Xact website, there was likely an issue during the calibration or commissioning process.Continue Reading
When going into the Xact mobile App and clicking on the ‘Verify Commission’ settings, users will initially get a “Checking Unit Status” message. This means that the users tablet or android phone is trying to connect to the the Xact portal to look at this status of a commission via the internet.Continue Reading
Xact Small Tank Monitoring System provides you with a cost effective reliable means of monitoring your inventory. Some of the information offered in our installation guides include the monitoring of fill percentage, ambient temperature, ullage, gallons/liters in tank, and history of measurements.Continue Reading